Child Victims ACT (CVA)
Child Victims ACT (CVA)
It is difficult to think of a wrongful act more despicable than the sexual abuse of a child. Survivors targeted by perpetrators are known to struggle with the profound long-lasting effects of sexual abuse given the particular vulnerability of the abused children. Those sexually abused as children frequently exhibit many of following effects: behavior problems, loss of interest in school, anxiety, eating disorders, suicide attempts, drug or alcohol abuse and can suffer from depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Further, survivors of childhood sexual abuse may also repress these painful memories only to have them resurface later in life.
In the past, victims of childhood abuse were unable to pursue their claims after the expiration of New York States’ statute of limitations, which strictly limited the time to file an action. Fortunately, as a result of the persistent efforts of survivors’ rights advocates, the State of New York State has enacted the Child Victims Act which gives childhood sexual abuse survivors an opportunity, until August 13, 2021, to seek justice and fair compensation no matter how long ago the sexual abuse occurred. Under New York’s CVA statute, actual penetrative sex acts, as well as sexual touching, fondling, or masturbation, can support a claim. You may also be able to pursue your claim anonymously and qualify for cost-free supportive services.
Certain & Zilberg takes great pride in having been entrusted with the responsibility of pursuing justice for hundreds of long-suffering survivors of childhood sexual abuse against the schools, government agencies, corporations, and religious organizations that failed to take proper steps to protect children in their care or on their property. The Certain & Zilberg team is experienced at successfully litigating sexual assault and abuse cases through trial, including having obtained significant awards to compensate survivors for their pain and suffering.
If you, or someone you know, was sexually abused before the age of 18 we encourage you to contact Certain & Zilberg for a free no-obligation confidential consultation or call an attorney or law firm experienced in handling sexual abuse claims.